6 Reasons Anti-Vaxxers Aren’t Just Dead Wrong, But Deadly

How Anti-Vaxxers Risk Dooming The Coronavirus Vaccine

Sam Wolf
9 min readJan 6, 2021
Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

The pandemic is nearly over, thank God. It’s been a hard slog. First, it caught us off guard; we were on the back foot. Governments scrambled to control the spread of the virus and the movement of people. But now, we’re on the offensive. We can FIGHT back. We have a vaccine.

There’s only one problem.

Anti-vaxxers are already discrediting the vaccines. They’re spreading their toxic blend of fear and panic. And like a tumor of pseudo-scientific nonsense, it’s growing.

Let’s establish one fact: vaccines work. DO NOT believe anyone who says otherwise. I call BS. These so-called anti-vaxxers aren’t brave souls crusading against evil corporations. They aren’t mothers and fathers protecting their children. They’re wrong, and they’re dangerous.

DO NOT listen to them. Doing so risks not only your own life, but everyone else’s as well.

Here’s why.

#1 It Started with A Lie

It started over two decades ago following a study published in the medical journal, The Lancet, in February 1998. Andrew Wakefield — a master bullshitter and little-known researcher — produced a nonsense study involving 12…



Sam Wolf

Father | Writer | eCommerce Legend | Cat Person | On a mission to learn, connect and contribute useful knowledge within the Medium realm.